Hi, I would like to make the header exactly the same as the following site:
There are 2 menus and a logo placed over them. How can I achieve this? I am able to use Elementor Pro if needed.
Hi Wailokcc
This header style is already being added in our theme. You need to Change your header style to "University" from
Wp-admin > Appearance > Customisation > Header > Publish
Please check the screenshot for reference: http://prntscr.com/nzs7uj
Please do let us know if you still have any trouble setting the header.
Please ignore the first question as I fixed it.
Could you please help me resolve the second issue on course pages:
After changed to "University", the background image (banner) on the title section disappeared. How can I add a new banner there? https://snag.gy/g5FC3P.jpg
Please check here: https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cq1XX9TzpL
Upload title background is available for only selected header styles
And for university style header it is not available. So I am sharing a custom css here which will fix the issue.
Paste this in wp-admin > Appearance > customize > custom css
.single-course .course6_header {
background:url('image url');
Instead of text image url, add the url of that image you want to show here