How to Ad Menu on the Right of Header

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  • #214393
    Hello, Help me How to Ad Menu on the Right of Header. Checkout this home page: and screenshot Thanks  
    @sovannmy Yes you can add the menus in the header but remember one thing that menus will come before the search bar. If you want the menus after the search bar then you need the customisation to align the menus. If you want customisation so add your menus and then we will align the menus after the search bar but please do it safely because your header already customised so please add the menus with full attention don't do nothing else.
    Pleae, help. We just want the menu looks like that: or check out here: Help ASAP.  
    Hi Sovannmy So, the header style which you want in your site is not possible to match exactly same as you referred above. Our header has some strict layout which we can't change and your requirements need that to do. We have already customized the header for your website as much as possible as per your requirements. Now, There was an error to fix in your header, so please paste the below cutsom css code to Wp-admin > Appearance > Customization > Custom css > publish

    .nav_search {

    width: 97%;



    As I asked you before buying your theme that whether can you help us to develop a site like Udemy with your WP theme? You said yes. And you said your theme is more advanced then Udemy website which means you can help me possibly make an online course more than Udemy can do. Now, tt seems like your WP theme is not really advance then Udemy as now you said you can't do it. I already promised with my client to build a site they like, like Udemy. We can't leave space there without any menu and my client like to have that menu look like Udemy as I requested you to make it like that. We need to add our menu there like Udemy. Please......Please. Thank you, Sovann
    Yes i understand. but the problem is we cant copy the style of udemy. if we do so there will be a copyright issue for the design issue. we have already faced the dmca 2 times back to back in last week. we are trying to help you as much as i can. please tell your client to if he is ready for the dmca. we will copy the site.
    No.... designing style for our website is our responsibility for copyright issue. It, not your responsibility. Once again, just designing the header style is no copyright issue. Please help me...I  can't do it by myself. If I can i will not take to much time to reach out to you for help like this. Please... Thank you
    Ok fine. give me sometime for this. i will try to fix your header issue. remind me by monday.
    Please do it. Thank you so much
    Hello, i have made a new file in wplms blank child theme. refer: you need to change the link details in wplms blank child theme >> header-sleek.php.
    I believe in you you can do it. Thank you so much.
    Please check the header style thoroughly. give me the raw data, links and if I have left anything. let me know. I will modify other things ASAP.
    Thank you so much dear friend!! All the respect to you. Enjoy the rest of your day and feel free to reach out if you need anything else. We are here 24x7.
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