Unable to set background image

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  • #24263
    Please check attached picture where we are unable to set-up the background Image. Would be great if we can have pointers in the right direction. It is just a normal page.. if there are better ideas please suggest...
    H.K. Latiyan
    Please share more information on this, where you want to set the background image, because according to your screenshot, the background image is already set.
    I can set the background but want the middle bit to be transparent please so the background image can be see. Please let me know if it can be done.
    H.K. Latiyan
    Please use this custom css in your wp-admin->appearance->customize->custom css:
    section .row {
    NOTE: Please change the opacity (between 0 to 1) according to your wish.
    Hi, It works on the home page only and doesn't do the same on other pages. e.g.: http://www.pencilruler.com/quiz-year-4-written-numbers/
    H.K. Latiyan
    There is no background image on this page whose link you gave me. Add background image and the css will work fine.
    http://balaji.pencilruler.com/quiz-sample/   Please check this page... It has started looking ugly as the background image doesn't megre with content page color. I am unable to change button colors and they are not highlighting as well when i decrease the opacity. I want to add a different background to different pages. and would like the background on the content page and not on the background please.
    H.K. Latiyan
    Yes the css that I gave you will effect all the pages on the website (as I assumed the background image will be on all the pages of website). If you want to add opacity only on particular pages only, then instead of that css use this css like this (remove previous css):
    .page-id-xxx section .row{
    opacity: 0.5;
    Where xxx is replaced by the page id, for page id refer: http://prntscr.com/9zo16h
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