Hi Vibe,
May i ask what is the table's name which used to store the course category in mysql database? Sorry I can't found it.
It is stored in wp_term_tax0nomy Table.
Hi Latiyan,
Thank you.
What is the import code for one instructor homepage? I need it homepage layout.
Thank you.
Hi Latiyan,
This is the print screen of the function I need. How to set it up?
Thank you.
<span style="color: #4b4d4d; font-family: Lato; font-size: 14px; line-height: 22px;">Hi Latiyan,</span>
I can't found the course category in the table. If i save a course category as "Business" where can i find the "Business"?
You can create this with the help of vibe page builder .
Please edit the page in wp-admin and find the vibe page builder metabox .
click on the content block
Drag the filterable posts block into page builder area :
click on the settings icon .
and set the settings as per screenshot :
and save changes .
Hi Alex,
Thank you. That is what exactly I want.
Is it possible to filter the courses by instructor or location?
What taxonomy name should i use?
No there is no taxonomy for this.
However you can use buddypress course filter widget to filter the result on all courses page.