I'm an error among others, what happens is that I have this option to tell the picture, registration of new users.The left image is the configuration you wordpress
The right image is the setting my wordpress multisite
Can you please again attach the screenshot of yur issue and share the issue in detail .
If you are using a multisite and installed the wplms on subsite then the user registered on this site will reflect in this site and in the main site as well .
USer will not be added to the second subsite unless you manually add her from the admin panel of multisite .
Opção do usuário não aparece em configurações > geral
Please note that in a multisite this options is not showed to the subsites admin panel .
If you want to enable registerations on your site thene please login with the network admin then goto -> network admin panel -> settings ->general and select "
User accounts may be registered. " in " Allow new registrations " settings :