what to use divi builder to design the pages . however facing some issues.
!. not able to get full width
2. there is a image in the home page header, not able to remove it?
3. how to display the courses in the home page ?
website : https://drsajjanacademy.com/
here is the screenshot of home screen - https://prntscr.com/sfwii3
Hello @Maddapady,
I never used divi builder so can not able to understand you the features for this builder but if you are confusing how to you this builder see this tip that will help you to make task easy; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHWCiNmh9DAAdd course to home page: Edit your home page in back end .
find the page builder block .
and then refer : http://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cDfniz1wx7
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