Hello! I have been experiencing for 2 months many errors by Vibe, Budy press and Eventon, together with WPLMS, which also cause woocommerce problems. Basically they brand me the web.
The truth is that I cannot identify what the errors may be, so I am attaching a file with the error codes to see if you can identify them and find a solution.
From already thank you very much.!
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Other queries:
- Can you disable Budy Press completely without having theme issues?
- Can you disable eventon completely without having problems with the theme?
- not we cannot disable the buddypress .Wplms is buddypress based theme .
-- yes you can disable eventon completely just disable the eventon plugin and its wplms eventon addon .
Checked error log .All of it were php notices and are not warnings or fatal errors .
You can disbale your wp_debug :
And these will be gone .