i have an issues of fonts in my website that are not so clear and bold, i attached two images of sample site and my site - skillfy.png and singapore.png. skillfy.png images shows clear fonts and bold whereas in my sites the fonts is not clear, i tried google fonts in wplms theme with different fonts family. But I need to update for each html tags like h1 h2,p,span to make the site good. i want the fonts like to be in skillfy.png site
please ignore this duplicate post.
I actually find it hard to edit here in the support forum after submission.
Could you tell me how I can edit it other than after the initial few seconds of publish.
Thank you.
When you hover on the posted reply it will show an edit text at right bottom of the reply .
You can click it on to edit your posted reply .
refer : http://prntscr.com/8ruuj7