We recently upgraded to your lastest version (4.096) and we found that the waiting time after submit a quiz increased a lot, taking around 30 seconds just to analyze 6 questions.
We have a dedicated server with 8vCPU Intel Xeon 2.1 GHz, 16 GB RAM and SSD Disks, and that loading time was much less before the updated, you can see a example of the long waiting time in this videos:
Also, as you can see the bottom bar is hidden after submit, that confuse to any user because they don't know what is happening after click the submit button, we think that the bottom bar should be visible and Also the loading animation should be visible after click the button and don't need to scroll up to look what is happening in that 30 seconds.
Just to let you know we tried activated the React Quiz option under LMS settings but the questions was showed 1 by page even when we had the option to show up to 100 questions per page, that why we had to deactivated that option.
I hope you can help us to fix the loading times and also the confusion while the marks are processing.