I have tried to edit wplms-customizer from WP admin panel as per https://wplms.io/support/forums/topic/recovery-password-email-is-not-being-sendt/
but now the file become empty and the plugin disabled. Please give the default content of wplms-customizer.php so that I can restore to previous state and activate the plugings
The forget password is not send from the login screen though all email including activation and WP email works (direct link to Forget password of WP) works. but login popup's forget password link do not work.
I have added a code from support ticket : https://wplms.io/support/forums/topic/password-reset-link-need/
But the link do not appear as described in ticket. The '?' mark is difficult to make students to understand and I want it clearly visible.
delete the old one
and for new
you can add it from plugin>>add new>>and upload this zip file