Is there a page template for instructors' dashboard where they can see their submitted courses, add/edit courses, edit their profile/avatar, etc. in the front-end?
I disabled the instructors access to WP admin area.
Yes they can see the instructing courses from by visiting their my courses option .
refer :
Hi there,
Is there a way to limit the instructors to only see their own courses on the course directory?
Sorry this is not available as of now.
How much time will it take to provide this facility...
We can give you a fix for this, however the biggest limitation of this requirement is that once the user logs out, he can see all the courses on the site.
So, I am assuming that you need to have site lock enabled on your site otherwise there is no much use of providing any fix for this.
Try adding this code in your wplms-customizer.php file present in your wplms customizer plugin:
add_filter('bp_course_wplms_filters',function($filters){if(is_user_logged_in() && current_user_can('edit_posts') && !current_user_can('manage_options')){$filters['author']= get_current_user_id();} return $filters;});