Im looking with Loco Trasnlate in all plugins and theme to translate "groups title" and I dont find this string.
Please, tell me how can I translate it.
Checked in Buddypress plugin?
that string its no find it with Loco Translate in BuddyPress plugin
also I check in anothers plugins and i dons see that string
Visible At my end: http://prntscr.com/100uuze
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Copied the Translations of Buddypress in Local Language folder, please check now
I dont find "groups title" string in Author or System with Loco, even after sincronize both.
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Please, I have to do a video tutorial and I need to translate groups title string.
Checked the code and groups title, this text is hard coded here, that's why it was not changing.
Will fix in the next update
Could you tell me some way to translate it?
I need to make a video tutorial for instructors and that they appear in English is very crappy.
If I can't fix now, it will also make me have to re-create a video tutorial when the string can be translated.
Please, try to give a solution.
As I mentioned that I found this is hard coded, and that's why it was not translating, we will release this upcoming update with the translation fixes
Waiting for a solution for this Issue...