For a few days now, our site https://kiport.de has been loading extremely slowly and displaying fonts incorrectly on some pages. Our Hoster has checked the server. No errors detectable.
The load time analysis shows two entries that seem to slow down the loading drastically.
Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/1095z6l
In addition, some fonts are displayed incorrectly on some pages.
This is how it should look: https://prnt.sc/1096593
This is how it actually looks: https://prnt.sc/1096cq7
There must also be something fundamentally wrong because the topic Update to WPLMS 4.x has not been displayed for some time. We are currently still using WPLMS 3.9.9.
We urgently need support, as the error cannot be found and fixed by us. Thanks for your support
Many regards
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Hi There,
We could resolve the problem with the slow site together with our internet provider.
Please be so kind as to check again why the theme update to 4.x is no longer displayed. Thank you.
Fixed the child theme css issue , the code to enqueue it was not correct in your child theme functions.php .
Hi Alex,
Thank you for the support. What was changed by fixing the error? Unfortunately, the update request to WPLMS 4.x is still not visible. Or did the error in the CSS file cause the delayed display of the pages? Because now the site runs very well.
Well the code was changed in child theme functions.php file :
Hi Alex,
I had already understood where the code was changed. My question was: What was wrong, and what was the effect? Because, as I said, despite your change in the code, I still cannot update to WPLMS 4.x because the theme update for it is not displayed.
By the way: Although I have checked the box "Notify me of follow-up replies via email", I no longer receive any emails from you. Until now, the notification always worked very well.
The function call to wp_enqueue_style was wrong and the style.css path of child theme was not correct So I corrected that:
for the notification emails , it seems like our mail server seems to be down , you should be getting emails :
be sure to subscribe : https://prnt.sc/10cwa1p