Hi,since the last update, the admin link has stopped working, it goes directly to the course page, but does not allow me to manage students. The link does not work from anywhere, even from the page administrator courses or from the course page. I restarted permalinks and cleaned the cache, but it still does not work.
The web is www.endomurcia.com
Please try enabling the "Revert pretty permalinks for Courses" from lms -> settings .
Please also check if you are customizng the single course template wiht the help of child theme then please try replacing the home.php wplmsblankchildhtheme (wp-content/themes/wplmsblankchildhtheme/course) with the home.php of default theme(wp-content/themes/wplms/course folder) .
Problem solved. It has worked with the firs method, but after i have set the course permalinks to course directory and i have worked perfectly. Thank you very much!
Thanks for confirming so marking the topic as resolved and closing the topic.