Hi Good day,
I trust you're well.
Please find attached link below. I have uploaded an image and also indicates
under (¥3,500.00). please assist me on how to change the number 359 DAYS
to 14-31 Days
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as in the course details it shows 356 days if you want to change the course duration then you can change it from course edit option
if you are logged in then it shows the access "you" have in the course. To edit your access in the course, go to course administration screen , search/select the member and change the subscription period of user in the course.
For users who are not enrolled in the course, if you set Course - settings - course duration it will show.
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The video’s accessibility is private
change that to unlisted or public so that we'll be able to see. https://prnt.sc/12nuhpm
If you are talking about member profile page. Then you can remove it by using buddypress on single page instead og global login .
Follow this guide ->
I received the above recording access. To check this on your site I tried to
access the above URL but it always shows me this ->