Session Issue


  • This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Ada.
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  • #358633
    Hello, We have the following two students to explain this issue. 1) "Student Test1" with role student 2) "Student Test2" with role student (subscription is active) - When I logged in with "Student Test1" the browser stored the auth token and user data of the logged-in user in "Session" and create "Indexed DB" in the browser. - But when I logged in with "Student Test2" then their "Session" and "Indexed DB" could not be updated still it has last logged-in data are stored. - "Take this Course" Button Related functionality will work based on current user session data so if session user data did not update then our customized course button will not work as per our need. - Can please help us to resolve this bug regarding session storage. - To check the above issue I have sent a private message to get access for "Site URL", "Testing User Account Detail" Thank you
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    Hi, Yes I checked it, To use woo-commerce login you need to enable wp and vibebp sync from vibebp >>settings. And to logout you'll need to use vibebp login .
    Hello, Thank you for your reply. I have tested as per your guideline and enable "wp and vibebp sync from vibebp > settings" but still there is the same issue when the first time I am logged-in with user "teacher_ta" and then logout that user and when again we log in with another user "school user" then the browser has still past logged-in user's("teacher_ta") data are stored in the session, it must be "school user" data. See below screenshots for this.
    Dear user, As I already said you need to use vibebp logout to logout from the site. woo-commerce logout will not log users out completely. Please refer to this video
    Hello, It is possible to log out when a woo-commerce user is log-out. Or If you provide a developer[action or filter] document for vibebp logout my developer will work on this. Thank you
    Hi, Sorry to say, but I confirmed this with the developer team and got to know that it's not possible. You'll need to use our logged-in menu logout option to logout from vibebp auth as well as wordpress.
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