Hello! After upgrading the theme there is a problem with the evaluating of the tests. If the teacher goes to the course and sees notification that he has to check a test, he needs to open the exact test that has been sent for evaluation. But we have 70 tests in one course, we see that we have 8 notifications for evaluating, but we cannot search all of the 70 to find the ones who need to be evaluated (see tha attached file).
In the previous version, i could see all the submitted qùizes, without knowing wich ùiz it exactly was. Please help, i cannot search among 70 tests to find the ones i need
I agree with that it would be difficult to check submissions when you have that much quizzes in your course .
To make this easier we will be adding a submissions count right next to the quiz name in the dropdown in submissions in the next update of wplms .
Hi, Alex!
When are you releasing the new update?
Update will be released more or less by Thursday .
I'm also interested in this feature. I have updated vibe course module extension but didn't see any changes in submissions dropdown.
Had this been added to update ?
This feature is yet to be released .
Update for this is to be released today .
I just uptated theme and extensions to last version, still no change in submissions dropdown
This feature is not released in this update.
It will be released in our 2.1 update.
We have added this feature in this latest update, please update the theme and then check.