Cannot make One click Setup

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  • #40467
    Hello, we make all steps in manual - upload theme, increase memory limit, install and activate all plugins. After all we push "one click setup with data" and progress bar loads infinitely with no result! Can you help with installation?
    Yes, please share site url with admin credentials to install theme on your site. Also let us know which demo/child theme you want to setup on your site. Make sure to mark reply as private when sharing credentials.
    I'm having the same issues. I've tried firefox, chrome, and safari and nothing. Installing load bar freezes.
    Anshuman Sahu

    Check your server php configuration .
    this is our test site php comfiguration

    WP Memory Limit: 128 MB

    WP Max Upload Size: 64 MB

    PHP Post Max Size: 64 MB

    PHP Time Limit(max execution time) : 240

    PHP Max Input Vars: 1000

    Please contact your webhost and try having this configuration to be able to install wplms demo setup . These configuration must be provided from server side .

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