Course showing wrong reviews number

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  • #5010
    Hi, I don't have any reviews on my courses, but the counter shows "1 reviews" for several of them.  How can I solve this? Or even remove that message? I'll send the image in the next post.
    Please see the 1 reviews and the 0 reviews at the bottom. Don't know why. Thanks!!!
    Reviews are stored as comments in wplms. a. Edit the Course in WP Admin panel b. Locate the comments metabox, check if there are any comments for the course. If yes delete the comments. Alternate : So You can directly edit this value from custom fields section of course. a. Edit the course in WP Admin b. Locate the Custom fields metabox . (enable from screen options) c. Locate the meta key : rating_count and change the value besides it and update the meta field. Note : The number of reviews counter only gets updated when a student posts a review for the course. So, use this only to correct/fix the number, because everytime a user posts a review to the course, the rating count is recalculated.  
    Thanks. I got an earlier backup and now the reviews are zeroed, as expected. Can I remove this (0 reviews) message from that page? Actually I'm removing all reviews from every page possible. Thanks!
    Anshuman Sahu
    You have to hide the whole meta reviews and student count with the css  . div#item-meta { display: none; }  
    Hi, Alex. It did not remove the (0 reviews) on top of the description of the course! :/
    Anshuman Sahu
    Can you please share a screenshot i am unable to locate the issue  . It seems the review ting is been removed completely .
    Im having the same problem since latest update under all courses (screenshot attached) I have put all the custom CSS you have recommend WP admin - appearance - customization - add custom css div#item-meta {   display: none;   } .footertop .footerwidget { text-align: center; } #headertop a{font-size:14px !important;} .more_course .review_course:first-child,.course_finish .review_title,.course_finish .review_title+#message{ display: none; } .product.woocommerce.add_to_cart_inline{border:none !important;} .more_course .review_course{margin-top:20px !important;}   .item-list-tabs #activity-personal-li,.item-list-tabs #xprofile-personal-li, .item-list-tabs #settings-personal-li{ display:none; } .certificate_content:before{ content:' '; display:none; }   .block.courseitem span.clear+strong{display:none;}   .block.courseitem .instructor_course + strong,.widget_course_list li h6 span{ display:none !important; } #footerlogo { display: none; } .course_reviews, #course-list .item-meta .students{display:none;}   .field-visibility-settings, .field-visibility-settings-notoggle, .field-visibility-settings-toggle{display: none !important;}   .course_reviews{ display:none; }   .breadcrumbs{display:none;}   .course_reviews .review_title, #course-list .item-meta .students{display:none;}   #buddypress div#item-header div#item-meta .students { display: none; } .students_undertaking{ display:none; } .course_description{ padding-top:20px; border-top:1px solid #efefef; } .star-rating { display:none; } .bp-user .mfp-auto-cursor .mfp-content{max-width:800px !important;}   .course_timeline li.done > span:before{position: absolute; left: 6px;margin:0; top: 3px;} .block_media { position: relative; max-height: 150px; overflow: hidden; } .block.courseitem .block_content { height: 120px; } .course_reviews{display:none;} .block.courseitem.course2 .block_content .star-rating{ display:none; }  
    Reviews not showing once in course just in the ALL COURSES LISTINGS
    Anshuman Sahu
    Try adding the following css  : li.course_single_item .item-meta { display: none !important; }  
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