Question Privacy

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  • #55471
    Was given this code snippet to disable question privacy for instructors, yet maintain all other forms of privacy between instructors. Was wondering if it needs tweaking because I do not believe it works anymore: //Disable Question Privacy add_filter('init','remove_wplms_frontend_cpt_query'); function remove_wplms_frontend_cpt_query(){ add_filter('wplms_frontend_cpt_query','wplms_instructor_privacy_filter_remove_questions',999); add_filter('wplms_backend_cpt_query','wplms_instructor_privacy_filter_remove_questions',999); } function wplms_instructor_privacy_filter_remove_questions($args){ if($args['post_type'] == 'question'){ unset($args['author']); } return $args; }
    H.K. Latiyan
    The code is correct and it works fine. Please try again and check. Let me know if this helps.
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