Hello! Can you help us please.
How can we do a stretch Block "Join to us" on vertical mobile view on Home page?
We use this CSS
.homebottomparallax{margin:60px -45px;width:auto;padding:60px 0;color:#FFF;font-size:16px;}
.homebottomparallax .parallax_content{top:90px;}
.homebottomparallax h2{color:#FFF;font-size:48px;}
@media(max-width:480px){.homebottomparallax.v_parallax_content{height:600px !important;}}
Please share your site url for this .
Ps : you can also mark your reply private while sharing url .
You can see a screen2 how it looks on full screen, and how it looks on mobile (screen1).
How can we make the same view like in full screen on mobile?
Can you please specify where is "join to us" I cannot see any join to us written neither on your website nor in your screenshot.
So please clarify where is join to us ?
If you are talking about the logo being small in the mobile view then use this custom css:
#logo img {max-width:200px;}
We took this "Join to the elite group of students" from this them http://themes.vibethemes.com/wplms/skins/oneinstructor/.
Screens we added again, because previous time it didn't upload, sorry for this.
In mobile version this block cannot be seen like in screen1. we want to make it stretch like in screen2.
To fix that i would need your admin credentials coz i would need to add a unique class to that block to apply css for that block only .
Ps : please share it in a private reply .
Our site kailas.biz/wp-admin
Admin credentials:
Login: Latiyan
Password: Latiyan123
Our site is on Russian, there will be no problem if you change it on English
we are using a child them in which we have custom css (in addition)
Thanks for sharing the credentials I have added the css in the block itself and now it looks fine.
Please clear the browser cache then check and confirm.
No, still doesn't work. On mobile view as it is show in screen don't put all letters.
Where exactly you add css? maybe we will change something there?
i fixed it please check .
Oh thank you so much!!! Its working))))
Thanks for confirming, so closing the topic.