WPLMS EventOn Setup shows only Blank Page

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  • #61042
    Hi, I installed and activated WPLMS EventOn and EventOn plugin. The Events Link in any courses shows only blank page. If I directly access to EventOn page it shows Events List. Would you please take care of my issue? Thanks in advance.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Can you please share url of the course and admin credentials to check the issue at your end ? PS : mark reply as private while sharing credentials .
    This is admin ID/Pwd. testadmin/helpus!! Website URL : http://www.masocampus.com Test Course URL: http://www.masocampus.com/course/msc7_google_starter/ If you click 'Event' Link on the above course URL, it shows only blank page. Thank you in advance.  
    Anshuman Sahu
    Ok i checked your site and found out there is some error generating in your events page in the course page . Can you please share your server php error log (upload it somewhere online and share its link here ) to check this issue further . Please also check you server php memory limit also . It is important that the server supports the php memory limit that you define in wp-config.php file . SO please contact your hosting provider and make sure that your memory limit is actually 270 MB . /  
    I purchased License for EventOn and DailyView AddOn. I tried to install and activate DailyView AddOn, it says the below error and was not activated. My server was not setup php error log. So today I setup php error log and I deleted EventOn related plugins and reactivated then php error was occured. I uploaded php error log https://www.dropbox.com/s/ysu7fk7qankb44p/php_error_log_20160807.txt?dl=0 My server environment is not limit anything. So 270M is actual memory. I think you theme is awsome. However course scheduling function is not that goood. So I hope to use EventOn plugin with your theme. Any further questions, please let me know. Thanks. ============================== - Daily View Addon Activation error message <span style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588); font-family: 'Roboto Slab', 'Times New Roman', serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 19px; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: #fafafa;">Fatal error: Cannot redeclare add_eventon_dv() (previously declared in /home/itmagnet/doc/masocom/wp-content/plugins/wplms-eventon/includes/eventon-daily-view/eventon-daily-view.php:103) in /home/itmagnet/doc/masocom/wp-content/plugins/eventon-daily-view/eventon-daily-view.php on line 105</span>  
    Anshuman Sahu
    Okay i checked your site again and also checked your server php error log but could not find any reason behind this . We need to run some code tests . Can you please share a valid ftp credentials  to run those tests ?
    Please send you the code of the test file, upload it to the location you want May I provide a link? The email [email protected], thank you.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well it is working fine at our site and also nobody has ever reported such issue before . So this is a site specific issue and we have to check all the files related to it . need to check which code is executing and which is  not . For that we would try printing some checks in various files at your end . So please provide a valid ftp credentials for us to check what's wrong in your setup . Mark reply as private while sharing it .
    --Server Connection Information -- Server_Host : www.masocampus.com Server_Port : 2020 Sftp_User : testadmin Sftp_Password : helpus!! ---------------------------------------------------------- WP_Document_Root : /home/itmagnet/doc/masocom   ※ Please keep information secure connection is possible, in particular, please feel free to request necessary changes to the system configuration files.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Okay i tried to print something by editing your plugin files but when i tried to upload the changes your server denied the access to upload anything onto your server . I am getting this : : open for write: permission denied   Error: File transfer failed Can you please provide a write permission for the above credentials and please also tell the path of your server php error log ?
    PHP_Error_Log_Path : /home/itmagnet/logs/apache/php_error.log Document_Root_Permission_Modify : Complete Testadmin Account is ITmagnet Account Same Groups(ITMmagnet) ## find masocom/ -type d -exec chmod 775 {} + ## I understand that a modified, thank you.  
    Anshuman Sahu
    thanks for granting the access . I was able to write and edit code in your themes/wplms folder but was not able to do any changes into your plugins folder or files .We need to check the files of plugins also . Can you please grant access to the whole wp-content folder of your setup so that we can check the issue ? Also we are not able to replicate the issue on our local setups otherwise we wont ask for the ftp's .
    Including the following into your wp-content directory and files has requested to change the permission to 775, thank you.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Ok we debug into this issue and found that there is one function in the Eventon daily view " cal_days_in_month " which is not defined any where in the Eventon plugin as well as in the Eventon daily view addon which we have provided in wplms eventon plugin. So this issue is related to the eventon daily view plugin itself . We will report this error to the eventon plugin author . I have commented out that line which had issue in your site as of now . Adding issue to issue log . track : https://trello.com/c/Ljti88yw
    Hi, thank-you for your work. Currenty Event page for my course is showing up. However visual composer tag is not applied for daily view UI. - Daily View event page sample : http://www.masocampus.com/course/msc7_google_starter/?action=events&events - EventOn List event page sample : http://www.masocampus.com/event-directory/ In case of EventOn List event page shows visual composer tag normally, so it looks good. Please check this issue further. Thank you so much!
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