I just wanted to point out that when retrieving a list of groups the groups_get_groups function should be utilized in place of the old BP_Groups_Group::get method so that the groups_get_groups filter is applied.
They're basically identical other than a few different defaults and the fact the groups_get_groups filter is only applied via the groups_get_groups function.
By using the old BP_Groups_Group::get method there's potential for plugin conflicts as the groups_get_groups filter doesn't get applied.
Which in the case of the BP Sticky Groups plugin means any sticky group will be removed from the results and because groups_get_groups filter is never applied these sticky groups aren't re-added to the results meaning your requests will results in missing groups.
More Info as I opened a ticket for this specifically with the plugin author;
I'm sure there's other plugins which can cause similar issues.
Searching the WPLMS theme there's really only two instances of the old method which should be amended;
1. In the get_groups function of class.process_fields.php of the wplms_front_end plugin.
2. In the selectmultigroups case of the meta_box.php in the vibe-customtypes plugin
In both these instances I also noticed there's a per_page of 999... a better approach is to use -1 when wanting to request all groups.
And a final little note about the discrepency on how groups are called... also in meta_box.php for the get_groups ajax function groups are retrieved through $wpdb rather than using a BP function... this completely skips the filter as well. Would suggest this be consistent using groups_get_groups.
Thank you
Thanks for the suggestion.
We will add this in the next update.