buddypress translation does not take effect

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  • #75550
    I have translation file in wp-content/languages/buddypress-zh_CN.po, some string will take effect, some are not( CHANGE COVER IMAGE for example), here(http://ww4.sinaimg.cn/large/801b780agw1f8ywml6m9fj213s054abt.jpg) is my translation pic, and here(http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/large/801b780agw1f8ywmgezhbj21kw0vu78d.jpg) is what is on the front-end.
    Hi Bunse and WPLMS team,   we are having the same issue. Tried to put the buddypress translation files into "wp-content/languages" folder. Didn't work so we tried to put it into different folders to see based on some forums from buddypress official support site. We tried also "wp-content/languages/plugins/buddypress" and "wp-content/languages/plugins/buddypress/bp-languages" also as usual "wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-languages" BUT nothing, none of it seemed to work. We tried to change the source file path everytime but nothing happened. Thanks!
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well please try putting the files in this path : wp-content/languages/plugins/
      Hi wplms team, unfortunately it didn't work for us. Maybe we have the paths written wrong, I don't know. Here is screenshot from our locotranslate buddypress config: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzyE_pDzTFY0YUVmY3VFektJSXc  
    same, all the path have been tried, none of them work.
    Anshuman Sahu
    I was successfully able to to translate the Buddypress strings . Please check this video : http://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cD6TitjE5V I used Loco translate plugin and my translation files (po/mo both) are in wp-content/languages/plugins/ folder . refer : http://prntscr.com/cymbyh Please remove the translation files from any other folder in your setup .I mean from wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-languages  folder or lanaguages/buddypress folder . Please simply remove the bp-languages folder itself from your wp-content/plugins/buddypress/ folder . .If still anyone faces any difficulty then please simply create your own topic and share your site url and admin credentials there in a private reply  .
    Hi Alex and wplms team!   Unfortunately it's still not working. We deleted all the buddypress files, put the .po and .mo from buddypress.org  files in the right folder. It's still not translating the string, don't know why. Here are some screenshots. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzyE_pDzTFY0VnQ2VzY2SmpxMFU Thanks for you answer! Nick
    H.K. Latiyan
    @digiacademy: Will continue discussion on your topic: https://wplms.io/support/forums/topic/buddypress-translation-not-working/
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