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  • #7615
    Hi, When i create a unit, i want to add a attachment (for example a PDF file), for students to download and refer to. I see from other posts that we can have download buttons at the bottom of the unit. However i can't seem to be able to achieve that. I searched through the forum but can't find any answers. What i did was i "Add Media" in the unit. And the result is there is a download link. When students view the unit, they see the link, click on it, and will get directed to the media link page. (screenshot 1) I think this is not what i want because the link then can be freely circulated and anyone can go and download it. I want just a download button for the student to click, so in this way only paid students can get access to download the file. Thanks.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Hi Alex, I followed the documentation steps, added the code and tried to add an attachment. But im still very confused with how this whole attachment is working. My questions are: 1) At the backend, is it correct to ..... click add media, choose the file, and close the pop up. Then update the page.......And the attachment download will be shown below the unit. In the pop up, we don't need to click "Insert into post" button. This is shown in your video. I followed exactly, but the attachment download below unit did not appear. However, if i click "Insert into post", then the attachment download below unit appear. 2) Can instructors do the same to add attachments at the front end? I tried the same steps, but it cannot be done. 3) How can we remove the attachment? I see the tutorial here ( We need a plugin to remove an attachment? 4) How can instructors remove the attachment at the front end? 5) When students click on download, it does not actually 'download', but instead it links to the weblink where the attachment is viewed. My question here is, if the link is to be circulated to non users, they can also view the attachment and download the file. Is it suppose to work this way? 6) How can i make the attachment open in a different tab on my browser? Thanks.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Instructor can only add the attachments form back end wp-admin and can only remove the attachments by fiollowing the same steps as the admin do . this is a limitation in attachments . The click on download issue : This will depend on your server and browser settings . Generally most of the browsers opens the pdf file rather than downloading it and servers opens the txt files rather than downloading them. So contact your host on this . 6. make the attachment open in a different tab on my browser : Sorry this is not possible as of now .
    Anshuman Sahu
    About the attachment adding issue . Please click on the insert media button rather than closing it . Then after find the media shortcode in the post content and just delete it . It will show in the attachments .
    Hi Alex, Thanks for the info. I just input my opinions here. Since there is a limitation for attachments, whereby instructors can only upload from backend, and have to delete from the backend too using a plugin, then just inserting the media file in the post content may be a more flexible choice. Instructors can upload and remove the attachments anytime they want from the front end. And from the student's perspective, its the same result for them whereby they click and the attachment opens up. I will mark this topic as resolved. Thanks.
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