Buddypress translation not working

Home Forums Legacy Support Support queries Translation issues Buddypress translation not working

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  • #76520
    After trying a lot of different ways. Here is the topic where we talked about this: https://wplms.io/support/forums/topic/buddypress-translation-does-not-take-effect/#post-76425 As you said, we're going to give you admin login info.
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    H.K. Latiyan
    Please share the valid ftp credentials also to check the files on your website.
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    Resolved. 1. Copy the translated files from wp-content/themes/wplms/langauges folder to wp-content/languages/themes folder. The files should be named as vibe-sk_SK.po/mo. 2. The files should be named as vibe-sk_SK.po/mo. Similarly, for all the plugins you need to make sure the files are placed in wp-content/langauges/plugins folders. For BuddyPress, the bp-languages folder was missing, so I created a bp-languages folder in buddypress and moved the translations by locotranslate in the bp-languages plugin. Let me know if this helped.
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    Please if it is possible for you to correct the error while you check why we have so many errors. It is not normal that an update does this. We do not have the time nor energy to start doing a lot of actions so to put back what we worked on. We will have to come back to the old version.
    @cchayer Firstly, refer to this guide : https://wplms.io/support/forums/topic/translation-guide-by-vibe-themes-support/ If the issue persists, Create a new topic for this issue. Please also ftp credentials of your website and don't forget to mark the reply as private. Closing this topic.
    We had  to reinstall last backup because too many errors. We do not have time for all that you suggest to do. Is it ok to keep last version. Is it possible that the next update will correct this issue and will permit that we don't have to loose so much in translation. Thank you,
    You need to use loco translator PLUGIN. If you created the backup of your translation files before updating then:  VIA FTP

    Theme translation file location

    copy the vibe-xx_XX.po/mo  located in the "../wp-content/themes/wplms/languages/" folder  to  "../wp-content/languages/themes" folder.

    Plugin translation file location

     copy the 'abcd'-xx_XX.po/mo  located in the "../wp-content/plugins/'pluginname'/languages/" folder  to  "../wp-content/languages/plugins" folder.  

    BUDDYPRESS translation file location(EXCEPTION)

    For translating the text coming from BUDDYPRESS. you have to put files in a different location buddypress-xx_XX.po and buddypress-xx_XX.mo Example: For English(US), the translation files will be buddypress-en_US.po/mo Make Sure these files are located in the '../wp-content/plugins/buddypresss/bp-languages/' folder
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