take this course prices

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  • #7667
    Is there a setting to show the following:
    1. mycred points be the first default instead of the woocommerce product price

    2. instead of a drop down, can it be shown as a radio button.

    3. for mycred points can you show it as 10 points instead of plain 10 so that users are aware this is referring to points.

    Anshuman Sahu
    1. Please add the given code in your wplms-customizer.php file in wplms customizer plugin : add_action('wp_footer','select_points_on_load',100); function select_points_on_load(){   echo '<script>jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery("ul.pricing_course li:nth-child(2)").trigger("click"); jQuery("ul.pricing_course").removeClass("active");}); jQuery("ul.pricing_course li:nth-child(2)").addClass("active"); </script>';     } Note : Make sure that your course purchase points will be at 2nd place in the price dropdown . The above code will just make the 2nd elemnt in the dropdown to be preselected by default . 2. This is not possible as of now  . 3. Please goto wp-admin -> mycred -> settings -> core settings -> presentation : refer : http://prntscr.com/90p46k 
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