Sidebar Issues


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  • #78212
    I have a couple of issues with the sidebar on blog posts.  First, if I set it to a full width template then the sidebar does not show at all.  If I set it to be Content On Left then the sidebar appears at the bottom of the page below the comments. please refer to this page.
    H.K. Latiyan
    It works fine at our test setup, refer: This means there is some issue in your content added in the post. Please check if there is some unclosed html tag in the content.
    The website in the screenshot is not my website I'm not sure what site that is. But if you follow the link I posted it will take you to my site where you can see the problem. here's the link again
    H.K. Latiyan
    Yes I know that's not your website. The screenshot was from my test setup. I am just saying that it works fine at our test setup which means the issue lies in the content of your post. Edit your post content and check it. There might be some unclosed html tags which is causing the issue. This is very common issue when you copy the text from somewhere else and paste it in your website without checking for the html tags.
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