Message name auto complete

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  • #91500
    Hey guys. I have the following problem: When i try to add a name to the message name, there is no auto complete function, and if i copy paste a name from the user directory it says. <span style="color: #d12f19; font-family: 'Source Sans Pro'; font-size: 11px; font-weight: 600; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; background-color: #fbe3e4;">MESSAGE COULD NOT BE SENT BECAUSE YOU HAVE ENTERED AN INVALID USERNAME. PLEASE TRY AGAIN</span> I've tried the same in your demos and has the same problem, so users are forced to go to the profile (and also force the system to have the message button at the user profile). Is there any way to fix this? Thank you!
    Also this does not allow to add more than one person to a message, because the platoform will always say that the username is invalid.
    Ok ok, found a fix to this. It was not a bug, just a default set up for buddypress. So, by default the system only allows auto complete the name for friends. There is a way to allow this feature for the full network adding a line to the file bp-custom.php. By default this file doesn't exist and has to be added in the following directory /wp-content/plugins/. If you try adding this file in the directory /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/ it will not work. The file just needs to have this code. <?php define( 'BP_MESSAGES_AUTOCOMPLETE_ALL', true ); ?> This code allows everyone to send a message to any user, independently if it's an admin or a student, friend or not, etc. Basically, everyone can send a message to whoever they want to, and it's pretty handy for small communities. That's it, hope this is helpful to someone else.
    H.K. Latiyan
    Thanks for sharing the information here. Since the issue is resolved so closing the topic.
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