Modern Theme – Unit Header

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  • #93867
    Denver Prophit Jr.
    I switched from one instructor theme to modern and now I see this: The featured image is being used in the unit as the header background. Is there a setting for this or design flaw?
    Denver Prophit Jr.
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    Denver Prophit Jr.
    /wp-content/themes/wplms_modern/includes/init.php line starting at 66 function title_background() Not sure why you thought it would be good to use the featured image? Can't you modify it to just rely on the theme options for background?
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well yes this is the design style  of modern theme .IF you dont want it then simply do not use modern child theme .Use the wplms blank child theme instead and use the default header which does not have such design style .
    Anshuman Sahu
    You can use transparent header style in default theme if you want title like that of modern child theme .
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