Tips & Tricks

Quick Fixes55
This tip is for restricting the users to see the badges and certificates of anot
Please add the following css in your wp-admin -> appearance -> customize -
Please Follow these steps: 1) Please add this code in the wplms-customizer.php f
Please open the wplms-customizer.php file present in wplms customizer plugin. No
The tip is optional. The issue has been resolved in WPLMS 2.0.1 update. Although
The tip is optional. The issue has been resolved in WPLMS 2.0.1 update. Add this
Please go to your wplms-customizer.php file in wplms customizer plugin or functi
For Sites using CDN. WPLMS uses standard WordPress functions to display images.
By default Instructor user role can not create WooCommerce coupons. Following t
How to add below block in your theme ? view it live here : http://themes.vibeth
Please add this code to deregister the course.js script from a specific page i
Purpose: Re arrange Course display order in Product Arrange : Download File : h
This fix only for self hosted videos or videos using the WP Medialements. Copy b
Please add the code below in your wp-content/plugins/wplms-customizer/wplms-cust
Please add the given script from wp-admin -> wplms ->footer -> google a