Tips & Tricks

Quick Fixes55
This feature needs a child theme to be installed. If you are not using any child
Introduction:  In this tutorial we will learn how to use woocommerce checkout p
Please replace the content-product.php in your wp-content/themes/wplms_modern/wo
Please add the given code in your wplms-customizer.php file in wplms customizer
After installing and activating wplms theme : To import demo 1 home page please
Please try adding the given code in your wplms-customizer.php file at the end be
Please add this code in your wplms-customizer.php file present in your wplms cus
Please add this code in your wplms-customizer.php file present in the wplms cust
Note that wplms uses Html2canvas script to take the screenshot of the generated
Please try adding the given code in wplms-customizer.php file in wplms customize
Please add the given code in your wplms-customizer.php file at the end before &#
The below code will remove the admin users from the instructor widget. Please us
For default wplms theme : Please replace the course-review.php file in your wpp-
Please replace the ” class.actions.php ” file in your wp-content/plu