it doesn't show as you logged
please log in with user:test1 and password:test1
it doesn't show the counter
i have added the following code to wplms-customizer in order to check weather it hiddens the button or not (return blank) but the button avaliable
function myfx($course_button_html,$course_id){
$user_id = get_current_user_id();
//Check if user has taken a course from course category using $course_id, $user_id
//return blank if you want to hide the button.
return $course_button_html;
this is not the full code for your customizations we just provided the idea and the code itself .you have to write your own logic in this .
The function takes two parameters here "button html" and course_id which are self explanatory and it returns button html only .
Perform your logic and return the button html .
alex ,
i understand your code ,and what i have to do but i want to check if your suggestion is works.
simply i want to try to hide the button before doing any logic therefore i'm assign $course_button_html=''; and return it as blank to hide the button
but the button still available and not become hidden .
and please check this :
it doesn't show as you logged
please log in with user:test1 and password:test1
it doesn't show the counter of lefted seats in the button
-what is the method to getting category id of single course ?
by getting the course id as parameter i get the category id.
-what is the method to get list of courses which have been subscribed by single user
and please reply for the above reply
To get all courses taken by the user :
bp_course_get_user_courses($user_id): Returns array of Course Ids
To get category please refer :
If the button still is showing then it seems you function is failing to check some conditions .
Can you please share the code that you have used to customize the button .