Adding CSS key to all elements

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  • #116420
    Hello WPLMS, I am working with and am trying to embed webfonts into my WPLMS website. I have all of the necessary links and files in place, but the last piece of the puzzle is the following from their website:

    CSS Key


    Include this line within theelement of your web pages:

      My question is this: How can I add that CSS key to the head element of all of my pages? I noticed there are multiple header.php, header-xxxxxx.php files included within the theme. I am using a child theme, and I know how to copy the edited templates to my child directory. Any help would be great!
    I'm not sure why my request is loading all HTML... This is the code I need to embed on all of my pages in theelement:

    CSS Key


    Include this line within theelement of your web pages:

    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi... In wplms also you can add your custom fonts, please refer the tutorial: We have not used with wplms so I am not sure if I can help you with it.  
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