Additional fields post social registration

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  • #216627
    Hi, I am using the BP Social Connect and have it set up for users to Login and Register using Google and Facebook. I would want any users registering using Google or Facebook to fill in additional information like Grade and School name. I can add these fields under the User > Profile Fields, but how do I make all users fill in these details before they complete the registration using Google or Facebook? If a user is registering directly, I can create the user registration form and have them fill up the fields as required info, but there is no way I can do that for users registering through Google or Facebook. Please help!
    hello, Google and Facebook allow only the email and password to log in. we can't add more details there. user has to fill the mandatory fields in user profile sections after login. refer:
    Is there a way to force a user who registers using Google / Facebook to direct them to the User Profiles page and have them fill in the mandatory fields before they can access any course? If so, can you guide me how to do this? Thanks
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