I made the app
1. I generated the app via pwa builder
2. I uploaded the file asssetlinks.json to .well-known folder in my hosting service
3. I published the app via Google Console
However the address bar is still in my app. Please help
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Hi the address bar will show until the app wont open at exactly at "https:\/\/elearning.survivalskills.vn\/quan-tri\/" url .
I guess the url might be changed when the app actually opens .
Please also clear the cache .
How to make the app open exactly at “https:\/\/elearning.survivalskills.vn\/quan-tri\/” url .?
I created the app with PWAbuilder with this link https://elearning.survivalskills.vn/quan-tri/
You may check the file generated in the drive folder I sent
Hi the manifest.json is correct , it must be something else due to which url is appearing .
Please share your ftp creds and also add vibethemes@gmail.com as admin of app in google play store to check .
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Hi, have you found the problem ?
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Hi, I have just added the email to admin
Hello have you figure out the problem ?
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