hey There,
We are writing to you, because we face an issue. it said we need to indicate : Aggregaterating, Offer, Renew,
but that is a free course.
<()div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"()>()
()<(meta itemprop="brand" content="GoYouRock" /(>
<(meta itemprop="name" content="English for Beginner"/(>
<(meta itemprop="productID" content="2472"(>
<(meta itemprop="description" content="English for Beginner English The purpose of our courses is not to have a perfect English skill, but the …"(/>
<(meta itemprop="image" content="https://goyourock.com/*/**/2019/03/Usalogo.jpg"(/(>
I use ( ( ( to display the code
thank you in advance