Hi there,
I recently realized there is an assignment function.
So I tried to find the assignment themes but there is no such a thing in my lms.
Could you please tell me where I can find it and how I can use.
Thanks! Now finally I got it and made some assignments.
But I am struggled with another issue.
I made some assignments like you see in the picture
But when I hit the permalink :http://soritunenglish.com/assignment/리듬-훈련-음성-제출/
it says like this https://prnt.sc/
I have no idea what I did wrong. I just made assignments the way I make units but it doesn't work.
This is assignments settings I did; https://prnt.sc/stk6hb
Please tell me what I am missing.
Dear User,
Enable Include in Course Evaluation Switch and in days, why are you adding 999999 years??
Simply add number of days
The Assignment page is totally looking different: http://prntscr.com/su4yka
Please deactivate those plugins which are not a part of wplms theme and then check again. Something is conflicting here