Since the last update of the WPLMS Batches Plugin, the translations of these strings, do not appear (again)
@Diana had given me this code to solve it:
but now again it doesn't work.
This is the topic I opened to solve this:
The topic is already closed. So I have to open this one to resolve the same issue again.
I think you should not close any topic. Because we do not know when the issues and bugs of the past will return again. That is the ugly truth.
Sometimes the POT file stuck and not able to sync, I will not close this topic, and asking the plugin developer to add a filter hook there on which we can write custom code to translate this. This will also work in case, loco translate is not working, so you can use that code to translate the tabs according to your requirement
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So, you knew since your first massage of this topic, that the translation of the Manage tab wasn't working with your code.
I just wonder why you didn't say anything or come up with an alternative way to fix it at the time. This is what is frustrating for us.
This is simple: Need to translate the Manage tab (wich is the one that was not translated with your code).
That is it.
Could you help with this?
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