Big problems with Certificates

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  • #142646
      Your tools for manage certificates seems to be unsatisfactory<span style="color: #003000; font-family: Arial;">. I also see a lot of threads about users having problem with this. We am one of them. We have tried to mange a simple certificate for our courses at, but are not able to manage it in a proper way. We even had a consultant to fix it - without result. We really like WPLMS, but this is so important for us, and we actually are thinking to change platform for this only reason - if we cannot solve this problem.</span> We have changed height/width many, many times. When we did think we found the correct height/with but...1) layout is changed after download/relaod and 2) layout changed when trying from other computers. Because of different resolution??? - all our customers do not have same resolution :-) The certificate are not centered (aligned) as desired and it is also to small/big when printing in pdf. I am willing to pay you/someone who can help us with a proper layout for our certificates. Vibe-people please give us a complete guide how to set up a proper certificate which looks nice in pdf for all our users/customers <span style="display: inline !important; float: none; background-color: transparent; color: #333333; font-family: Georgia,'Times New Roman','Bitstream Charter',Times,serif; font-size: 16px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: 24px; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; word-wrap: break-word;">(your videos does not give us this today)</span>. This is so central for anyone using your theme/LMS. Anyone else who is willing to help us or give us tips is also welcome :-) Would also be nice to have a connection to LinkedIn for charing certificates (not only Facebook and Twitter). Thanks in advance, Tobias
    Mark Morgan
    Hi, Please share your Admin Credential with us, so that we can make a Example Certificate in proper way on your website. PS: Please mark the reply as private while sharing your Credentials.
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    Mark Morgan
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    Great idea @toblju I would also be ready to chip in :)
    • The Linkedin share might be cool;
    • Creation of the certificate is rather problematic at the moment - same problems you have (Yes, I will do a separate support ticket)
    P.S. Can you give an example of pdf-wise working A4 certificate with styling that works?
    @kaugurs, If you need a proper PDF Certificate which should be in working mode. Then please create a separate topic for that. We'll create a proper working certificate template on your site. Please, DO not post on others topic.
    @diana , Thanks, you are very helpful. I did find everything I need in here so I can stop talking :D
    @kaugurs, Welcome...!! Whenever you need any help please create a separate support topic. That will be easy for us to track the status of the issue of an individual.
    you guys have a way for an Admin to mass select all students in a course and generate / save pdf of all certificates so they can be printed ?  (i know the student can see the certificate on his/her end, but we need to actually print them on-site for the students).  
    @razvan.stoichita, No, There is no such option present in wplms where you can save all the generated certificates at one place which can be printed later. Please, Create your own topic for your own issues.
    Diana,   thanks for the answer and clearing this issue out.  An electronic certificate for students who take online courses is fine. I can see that as being ok.  But for Offline courses, where students actually attend a class somewhere, a physical/tangible certificate is a must. If there are offline courses with 1000 students, or even more, over time, this means that in order to print a certificate on paper for them, we have to manually click on each student's profile, and open their certificate and hit print. Now imagine doing this for tons of students.   It would be pretty simple to create another function and button next to the "Assign Certificates" button for all selected students in the Course Admin tab, and generate one PDF with all certificates (multi page PDF).  That way client can open and print all of them.   Sorry for posting these issues on these posts.. i was hopping clients might have a solution to them already.  I will open my own post with this.
    @razvan.stoichita, Sorry, this is not available in wplms to generate one PDF for all generated certificates. You can create the feature request for this. If it gets more upvotes then we'll surely implement this feature.
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