Hi there,
how would I change the BigBlueButton Server into a local one (New URL).
I understand the setup with blindsidenetworks.com (Canada) is for test purposes.
For GDPR reasons we need to use a European one.
Thanks you for your answer.
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Thanks Alex,
I can set up a BBB server, but what I meant was the reference to a local "hired" server.
I thought there should be a possibility to refer to a designated URL (as opposed to the implemented one facing to Canada) with the setup within the BBB Plugin.
Well it can be changed from bigbluebutton settings itself in wp-admin -> bigbluebutton OR wp-admin -> settings -> bigbluebutton .
Thanks Alex,
that's what I hoped as well but there is no such bbb adjustment tab: https://prnt.sc/10me6dw
Also the plugins are installed: https://prnt.sc/10meapt
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Im sorry it changed now it shows in rooms -> settings :
Looking good!
Thanks Alex!
Problem solved.