Blank child theme change the sidebars

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  • #125927
    Hi, I have the "wplmsblankchild" theme installed. Unfortunately it changed the sidebars and I can't fix it. In my idea, a blank theme should not change anything. Or am I thinking wrong? I only want to use the child theme for some extra code in function.php Thank for your help. Kind regards, Michael
    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi, Yes the blank child theme doesn't change anything, but when you switch the themes, then some plugins gets deactivated like vibe shortcode plugin and more. So please go to plugins and then make sure the required plugins are activated. Let me know if this helps or if there is some error then please share the screenshot of the error to check.
    Hi, When you switch the theme, not only some plugins are deactivated. The sidebars are also changed and reassigned. For example, the student sidebar is completely emptied. I could fix the errors and now it works. One more question: I have a lot of custom CSS in the customizer section. I had tried to copy all this stuff into the styles.css of the child theme. But from there it does not work. What am I doing wrong? Kind regards, Michael
    Hi, just another little question. After switching to the child theme I have lost the right sidebar in the blog single view. How do I get them back. In the blog overview it works fine. Kind regards, Michael
    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi, The css not working in the style.css file can mean that the style.css file of the child theme is not included on the website. Generally the files are included in the functions.php file, let me know if the style.css file is included there or not, if not then I'll give you a code to add in the functions.php file of your child theme to include the file on the website.
    H.K. Latiyan
    The mainsidebar is displayed by default on the post page, you can edit the post in backend and check which sidebar is included there from the post settings. Then check if that sidebar is empty or not.
    Hi, Here is the code of my child theme function.php: <?php if ( !defined( 'VIBE_URL' ) ) define('VIBE_URL',get_template_directory_uri()); ?> What is missing?
    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi, Try adding the bellow code in this file: add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts',function(){   wp_enqueue_style( 'child-theme-css', get_template_directory_uri( 'style.css' , __FILE__ )); });
    Hi, the code works great. Thanks a lot.
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