We keep getting a blank white screen after logging in. We are unable to access the dashboard to the course and all. We have also noticed that users trying to access using mobile phones and tablets are unable to.
The other issue is that the download speed of the dashboard is very very slow. Kindly assist us so that the students and instructors can access the dashboard.
The website is: http://skills.this-ability.org/
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I thought I had mentioned for people using mobile devices....
Everyone using a mobile device including myself is unable to access the dashboard. We have complaints from everyone that the page does not load on the login part which even prevents access to the dash board.
Previously, everyone was forced to reload/refresh the blank white screen so many times to get access to the dashboard.
Here is a video of the problem we are having.
Kindly help us resolve this ASAP since we have a demo scheduled tomorrow to the Donor for this project. It is imperative that all is functioning well before end of today.
It was due to firebase credentilas wrongly pasted.
Please paste them again carefully from
Thanks for identifying the problem.
Where do I update them and how do I do this?
Check this doc to setup firebase(if not created then you have to create one) into your site
There are also instructions on how to copy the firebase config and use it on the site.