BP social connect issues

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  • #4907
    I have installed BP social connect plugin with WPLMS. I have configured Google + and Facebook account with WPLMS. I have below two issues
    1. WPLMS is authenticating successfully and users are showing as logged  user.But Google+ / facebook avator is not showing after logged in.Could you tell the steps to resolve this issue.

    2. Need to show Google+/ Facebook review in my site.Writing review in google+ should be synched with particular user logged into WPLMS account.How to do that.

    My URL http://hopetutors.com  

    Anshuman Sahu
    1. checked the site and could not found any issue with the avatar . refer : http://prntscr.com/8vgdrh 2. Sorry this is not available as of now in wplms . Please create a feature request here  : https://wplms.io/support/forums/forum/general/feature-request/
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