Hi, I migrated all emails to buddypress but when I activate touchpoint emails, it comes from "wordpress@co.za" as plain text and not as part of the BuddyPress HTML template.
When I go to LMS > Settings > Emails, I do not have the checkbox "Enable HTML Emails".
Lastly, when I look at WPAdmin > All options, I can see that under "wplms_bp_emails" it shows "3.9.6", which suggests that the migration has been successful.
Please advise. I would like my touchpoints to be liked to the BuddyPress HTML templates.
paste this code into wp-admin > plugins > editor > select wplms customizer > customizer.php > paste this code at the last line of page carefully. Save.
please try adding this given code in your wplms-customizer.php file in wplms customizer plugin :add_filter( 'bp_email_use_wp_mail', '__return_true ' );