Button "login to start the quiz"

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  • #214578
    Hello WPLMS team I would like to know if the "LOGIN TO START THE QUIZ" button that appears in: https://knowhouse.com.co/quiz/que-tanto-sabes-de-excel/ Can it be activated? it has no link. Also, I need to translate it into Spanish, I can not find the file in Loco Translate. Video here: https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cq1qnqTHFB   Thank you.
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    @RicardoDB Yes i know this "LOGIN TO START THE QUIZ" button, When you accessing direct quiz from wp-admin then this button occurs. That tab is for those who wants to access your quiz without login. This tab shows that to access this quiz you need to login, without login you can't access the quiz. And my question is that why you want to access this because users can't access this without login.  
    @maximus My questions are in the first intervention:
    1. Can it be activated? it has no link.

    2. Also, I need to translate it into Spanish, I can not find the file in Loco Translate.

    Could you please tell me where to find the option for translation, and how to make this button have a link at the beginning of the session? tks for your response.  

    @RicardoDB =>1. Sorry this button can't be activate because it is a static button. It is just to inform the user to login first to access this quiz. =>2. To translate the "login to start the quiz", You can translate it into wp-admin->loco translate->theme->wplms refer: https://prnt.sc/o47ddy For the translation please follow this tutorial: https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/translate-using-loco-translate-plugin/
    @Maximus On that route I can not find the text to translate. Video: https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cq1rVRTKvD Could you please help me? Thanks.
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    @maximus I have searched from the file that you indicate, copying it with the steps, but I can not find the text. Any other solution? Thank you. Video here: https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cq1rDyT70F
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well firstly you have to edit the vibe-es_ES.po file in loco translate and secondly the string is really not appearing seems like the issue in loco translate plugin itself . We have to generate a new pot file for this to work . Also we can open the login popup when user clicks on login to start quiz button : for that please add this script in your wp-admin -> wplms -> footer -> google anaylitics script : <script> jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('.single-quiz.logged-out a.button.create-group-button.full').on('click',function(){ jQuery('a.vbplogin').trigger('click'); }); }); </script>    
    I am not understanding, but I added the code. Now, what I to do? when I going to need to add my Google Analytics account, where I going insert my code Google?.
    @RicardoDB The above code is used for the login pop-up. Whenever a user will try to access your quiz directly then quiz will show this "LOGIN TO START THE QUIZ" and when user will click on this button then a login pop-up will appear for the login. refer: http://somup.com/cq1OiHn9qE
    Ok, thanks, but how do I change/TRANSLATE the text "LOGIN TO START THE QUIZ"?
    @RicardoDB Dear friend, Please tell me that did you sync the file during the translation. refer this video: http://somup.com/cq1rXVn8Vy
    @maximus Yes!  and nothing, I don't find the sentence.  Any solution? Thanks.
    @RicardoDB Dear your theme is not updated, Please update your theme to version 3.9.4. If your string will not find after the theme update then please share ftp/c-panel credentials in a private reply. Because it may be possible that your pot file is not update so i will add my pot file into your theme->languages folder.
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