Cannot locate strings for translation

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  • #71069
    Hi!   I've been trying to translate my website but it seems like the strings are located at several places. For example:
    • on the user's dahsboard, items coming from buddypress (i.e. profile, friends, etc.) are translated. Howver, the ones coming from WMLMS are not (courses, create a course, more).
    • on creating a course, everythinh isd in English although my website is in French (eddit cours,e settings, components, set curriculum...)
    Could you please give directions in order to edit the correct .po files?   Thank you.
    H.K. Latiyan
    1) The text related to course comes from wplms theme and vibe course module plugin, so try translating the theme and vibe course module plugin for this. 2) This comes from mostly from the wplms front end plugin and some of it comes from the vibe customtypes plugin.
    Thanks for your help. I found almost everything exccept for:
    • Create course (profile)
    • More (profile)
    • Everything linked to the events (course edition)
    I've tried to translate files for wplms shortcodes, dashboard, eventon and front-end, as well as vibe, vibe shortcodes, buddypress and eventon-admin... Where can I find the above strings? Thanks
    Anshuman Sahu
    1. Vibe customtypes plugin . 2. wplms theme . 3. wplms eventon ,eventon, wplms theme , vibe course module and ,vibe customtypes plugin .In front end edit please check wplms front end also .
    Thanks! Works well.
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