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  • #29151
    Alex, I tried to submit a topic but it doesn't appear to be displaying or registering that I submitted a comment. Can you please confirm? It had 5 issues that needed fixing. If not, can you send me your PM so I can send these to you? They seem to be theme bugs.
    I just tried to submit it here but it won't let me!??? What is the problem?
    Alex, will you please contact me? It will not allow me to post the 5 issues we are having even if I try one at a time. We need these fixed asap! Reviews are not working. Please go to the site and fix that.
    It wouldn't let me post the site login privately either!!!
    1. It will not let me post links either. We have updated theme and all plugins and it's now live. Please go to the Classes page - see the 3rd or so class down with 4 reviews then click to go to the class's page and see the reviews. It says there are 6 then scroll down and you see there are 7. So different in 3 places. Then see you cannot reply to a comment and you cannot comment - it's not showing the comment form. Also, we can't click on admin or edit course in the sidebar.
    Please also let me know what to do and why it won't let me add our issues here. There are more.
    2. To update the site it is very difficult. We cannot update all plugins at the same time. We have to update one plugin then logout then login and update another plugin then logout and login again and then update another plugin. So for each plugin update we need to login and logout. ?
    3. WP is saying there is one update but there is no update link. Do we need to purchase that or how do we update it and do we need it? :
    Anshuman Sahu
    To update the visual composer : I can see that you are using the super cache plugin that maybe the reason for the most of the issues . Please clear the cache form the plugin settings . Also make sure that you clear the cache from the server . Then deactivate the super cache plugin clear browser cache and re-save the permalinks and check your site .
    Thanks Alex, I followed everything you recommended above. Everything is still the same except we can now access "admin" from the sidebar. We are still having the reviews issue, and cannot access Edit Course from the sidebar (it just goes to the "classes" page). Please go to the Classes page - see the 3rd class down (Pairing Fluorite Windows with Internal Dragons) with 4 reviews then click to go to the class's page and see the reviews chart. It says there are 6 then scroll down and you see there are 7 actual reviews. So different in 3 places. We figured out how to activate Review form and reply form - in each course in backend. But, please fix the review and Edit Course issues. Thanks.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Seems to be pages are still cached . Please try adding a test review in a course as a test student and check again teh reviews count issue . Please clear the cache and disable the caching plugin . Also make sure that cache is cleared on the server itself . Please share admin credentials to check the issue further :

    For sharing confidential information

    Make sure you mark your reply as private Private replies can only be seen by the author and Vibe Staff.
    Thanks Alex. Yeah, I actually purged the cache on the plugin and my browser several times then I deleted the WP Super Cache plugin. The host said that the site doesn't have the kind of hosting that where clearing the cache applies so that wasn't done. THIS FORUM WON'T LET ME SEND ANY LINKS OR ANY CREDENTIALS. CAN YOU PLEASE HELP AND TELL ME HOW TO GET THEM TO YOU? WHY IS THIS HAPPENING? IT WASN'T HAPPENING BEFORE. ALSO, I'VE SENT THEM IN PREVIOUS POSTS.
    Spectator Karen o2oOp!7mJs6il5PQ2LxZF$hx
    Now it let me. Weird!
    H.K. Latiyan
    Is the issue resolved then ? If yes, then please mark it as resolved and we'll close this topic. For new issues make sure you create new topics.
    No, not at all. I sent Alex private messages above. It is not resolved. I am waiting reply from Alex. You can see above it is not resolved. My last comment above is just referring to the fact that this forum finally let me post something. I am having problems with posting links and other things here. But that is not the issue. So, no, not resolved at all. Waiting for Alex.
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