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    H.K. Latiyan
    Its the same thing, the staff can see private messages. I am assuming you have an issue with the review count. It is possible that the review count may lose exact count because we cache the review count in a meta field, so that we do not put load on server by counting the exact count everytime you see a course. But this also adds an loophole of inaccuracy, under certain circumstances it is possible that the count mismatches the exact value. However, there is a quikc fix for this : Edit the course Locate any Review /Comment on course Edit the Comment and save. Saving the comment would recalculate the count and the issue would be resolved.  
    Thanks. First.....I need to do that for every review on every course? This count issue started happening after we updated the site to the new theme and updated all the plugins (first on testing server then live). It worked perfectly fine before the update. Second, you'll see above one of the issues is that the Edit Course button is not working on the front end (see the sidebar of any course). It goes to the Classes page I think. Please let us know how to fix that. In the meantime, we can get there via backend but would like to fix this for users.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Edit course page was not created and not connected as well . created and connected it . Fixed the edit course issue .
    Thanks Alex. Can you explain what you mean - it was created or connected? Also, can you fix the review issue or do we need to do the above for each review? Please see Latiyan's reply and my reply to that to let me know please. We need to fix this asap. Thanks.
    Anshuman Sahu
    There is an edit course page that is needed to be connected in the wplms -> course manager -> Connect edit course page . For the reviews you do not need to do that for each review . You just need to update the one review in each course .
    This is still not working. I clicked "edit" for one review on each course and it's still not working. Go into the "applications of the opal rainbow" course and you'll see on the Classes page it says "1 review". Now, click the title to go to the class page. On that page it says "1 rating" under the total score and on the orange chart on the right it has 4 5 star reviews and 1 4 star reviews. And under all that there are no actual reviews. On the backend there are no reviews. Can you please fix this? Also, when I go to Edit Course on the orange sidebar from the front end there are no reviews. I had to go to the backend into comments and click Edit and then Update. Update: I just approved a comment for Pairing Fluorite Windows with Internal Dragons course and there are now 8 reviews and only 6 showing on classes page, 7 on orange chart, etc. Please see and fix.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Checked you site and found that you have enabled the "Comment must be manually approved " . If you uncheck this options then the course rating count will began to work properly . The new review count does nto works if "Comment must be manually approved" is enabled from wp-admin -> settings -> discussion . this is an issue as of now in wplms . We will fix this in the upcoming updates of wplms .
    Anshuman Sahu
    Till then you can correct the review count form back end course edit page  . refer :
    Thanks much. Is that a problem for spam to not have to approve it first? I'm not clear what you mean. What does that rating count do? Don't we want the reviews to just calculate on their own? Also, there are 8 reviews (see the actual reviews on the bottom) but the ratings count says 7 and so does the chart. For this course: Pairing Fluorite Windows with Internal Dragons.
    Anshuman Sahu
    For course reviews spamming would not be possible easily as the students who have purchased the course can see the review form . but that case would be different if you do not want the reviews to be shown immediately on course without you manually approve them . For this fix is coming up in the next update of wplms theme . After update you would not face this problem with the manual approval of comments settings . Rating count is the meta info of the course that shows that no. of reviews in course blocks and on course home page . refer :
    Thank you. I'm confused though. I get where the rating count is but what is it for and how do you use it? If I add a number in there it's going to limit the number of reviews. Shouldn't the ratings count calculate itself? What is this for? I've changed the number and that is what it displays. This needs to auto-calculate.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Note : Here rating = review . Rating(review) count is value that is calculated by counting the number of reviews in course and the saved as rating_count meta in course which is used to display the reviews count in course home pages and in course items . refer :
    Hi, First of all, sorry but I am not sure to write at the good place to create a new topic message in support. I just finished creating my website and I can't translate in French (the language of the website) some last elements such as - LOGOUT or View profile in the logged in menu - Create a course in the Instructor admin sidebar And some translations are not correct, for example, "ajouter une question" in the creation courses front end when it should be "a chapter" and not a "question". I tried to do the translation by all possibilities in the editor or with Loco translation. In Loco translation, it shows me errors and I can't solve my problem. Can you help me? Thank you in advance for you reply Best regards
    @gini005, Please create a topic in translation forum. We'll assist you there. It is better to create your own topic for your own issue and we can easily track the issue. To translate Logged In menu, Go to wp-admin > LMS > Settings > Logged In Menu > Change the Label
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