Each time I try to upload a file to Amazon S3 using the WPLMS S3 plugin I get the following error message:
"Amazon S3 Error :The bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using the specified endpoint. Please send all future requests to this endpoint."
I have looked into using the Endpoint option as both the bucket name and S3 host without any luck.
I am now just using the S3 Bucket name in the correct field and s3.amazonaws.com as the host. My credentials provided full access to S3 as well.
At this time I can only retrieve content I manually added to S3 directly, but I cannot upload through my WP site.
Please clarify in which region your bucket is ?
Your endpoint must be according to your region. The best case would be create a bucket in US standard region and then test it again.
Also check the amazon S3 host in wp-admin->lms->wplms s3->s3 host,refer:
http://prnt.sc/cxin61 it should be s3.amazonaws.com
same to me
I also tried Oregon and Ireland as region, have the right login data and s3.amazonaws.com as the host.
On another website with S3 access Ireland as region is working without a problem.
I know why it doesn't work!
It depends which reason to enter. Each reason has a different Amazon S3 host.
See here:
For example for "
Ireland (Europe)" I have to use "
s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com" instead of "s3.amazonaws.com"
Thanking you for sharing this information here .Can we mark this as resolved?